The Terms used in Quake Game Series

The Terms used in Quake Game Series

Playing the PC video games can be an interesting activity to do. There are many types of PC video gaming that available out there. One of the most popular PC video game is the Quake Game Series. The Quake game series is created and developed by the id Software and have successes in launched some series of Quake game with various plots and sets.
There are some terms used in the Quake game series. For the beginners, they can experience some misunderstanding in the process of reading some terms used in the Quake game series. Here is a clue for you! Below are the lists of terms found in the Quake Game Series.

First-person shooter
The Quake Game Series classifies to the first-person shooter. It means that the player plays the game from his perspective as the first person. If you played this game, you will feel as if you are the player and experience the real situation happened in the game through your eyes. The player will play the protagonist character in the games.

Shooter Games
Shooter game is the part of an action game. In this game, the player needs to respond fast, both in speed and action. The player will play an action as the protagonist character with the gun or long weapons as the arms. The aim of the player is to shoot or kill the enemy using the weapon they have. The player needs to be safe and not killed by the enemy to win the game.

3D is a type of three-dimensional computer graphics that used three values to adjust the position of the object which is stored in the computer to be processed into an image. The 3D graphics used as the technology in Quake Game Series is really interesting. It makes the player be able to experience the real situation as if the player jumps into the combat.

Multiplayer Games
The Quake Game Series is a multiplayer video game. What does it mean by multiplayer games? In a multiplayer game, you can play with the other players as a partner or the enemy. The multiplayer game makes the presence of two players or more is possible. Some players can share the same game at the time.

There are some terms used in the video games, as well as the Quake Game Series. Hopefully, the information about terms used in the Quake game series can help you to understand the game easily.

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